Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Mind Control Agent Coming to Your Tap Soon!

Up until a few years ago, I had always thought that fluoride was an ally power. I did not frequent the dentist very often, but when I did the dentist would give me a fluoride treatment. When I was a bit older, I had heard that as a public service the government put fluoride in our water to help our teeth. These few brushes with fluoride were enough to build a belief system regarding fluoride, its uses, and the thoughtfulness of our government.
So, as usual, everything fluoride was put in a file and compartmentalized into a pseudo information cabinet in my brain. You learn something, it becomes a truth, and you store it away in your consciousness. In my early twenties I moved to Orlando for a year, and I remember being dismayed at the fact the local water district did not treat their water with fluoride. Well! I thought to myself, I guess they have a little catching up to do!

Unless you live your life as a hopeless paranoid, it can be difficult to train yourself to question what you may assume is common knowledge. I know this because the more I learn, the more I realize that it is important to question virtually any information passed on as common knowledge. There are a string of truth-lies that are unloaded unto the minds of a population, who didn’t question its arrival, and don’t think twice about gathering an alternative view before it is filed away in a truth cabinet in their brain. The combination of disinformation and selective history also help to perpetuate lies. When you have to worry about paying for gas, work issues, landlords or mortgages, plans for the weekend, your love life, ect, it seems there is no time for much else. No one wants to worry about the take-for-granted facts or truth passed down. Not until they are affected by it. (Which I wasn’t personally, just consciously)

A few years ago or more when I became more serious about being a paranoid conspiritist, fluoride came up again. This time, I had to take out the fluoride file in my consciousness and erase everything I thought I knew, because what I was learning about fluoride was very contrary to what I was indoctrinated to believe.
I ran into allot of information about the truth on fluoride, and the lies being told about this harmful substance. Today about two thirds of the nations water supply is fluoridated. That is, the government deliberately adds a chemical to our water supply, which directly affects our physiology. Fluoride has also become a standard in toothpaste, and is touted as a helpful ally power in the fight against tooth decay.

It wasn’t hard to find good information about fluoride online. Fluoride is defined many different ways. It really depends on who you are asking. If you seek this answer from the ADA then you will find an answer along the lines of “a mineral that helps fight tooth decay”. Other places list Fluoride as a binary compound of Fluorine. Fluorine is a chemical element listed as F9. Fluorine in its pure form is a known poisonous gas. Organic Fluorine mixed with a few other elements forms fluorapatite, which is the mineral element of teeth and bones. Ionic Fluoride, which is the ingredient used in drinking water, is a completely different compound with different health effects.

Fluoride has many known biological effects on the human body. These include the breakdown of collagen in bone, muscle, skin and cartilage. It depletes the energy reserves in your white blood cells, and reduces their ability to fight off foreign agents. Fluoride promotes bone cancer, is known to soften teeth, and disrupts the immune system. Fluoride has adverse effects on the central nervous system, has been linked to memory loss, and Alzheimer’s disease. There are also vast reports of Nazis experimenting with fluoride for population and mind control, as well as Russians using it in their prisons to make the prisoners docile. Surely you would think these reports would be the exact reason why we would not want to add fluoride to our drinking water. That and maybe the studies that show there is no improvement in the teeth of people who drink fluoridated water.

What is interesting is how Fluoride was re-invented. Once known to be burdensome industrial waste, fluoride has wriggled itself into the hearts and pockets of the American Dental Association, Public Health Officials, and our government. Iron, copper, and aluminum industries among others sell the fluoride waste from manufacturing to our government who then puts this fluoride in drinking water. In the mid 1800’s, while industrialization rose, the effects of fluoride on health and environment were well known. By the 1930’s scientist from around the world were regarding fluoride as a major poison. There were staggering amounts of people bringing about lawsuits regarding the damage of fluoride on health, livestock, and crops, due to the growing industrialization of Europe and America.

In 1939, a campaign to misinform the public about the effects of fluoride was launched by an ALCOA (Aluminum Corporation of America) funded scientist, who went around promoting fluoride as safe and good for the public. Concurrently studies funded by major manufacturers to promote fluoride and its supposed health benefits were being performed. During this time Fluoride was also being used as the key chemical in the making of the Atomic Bomb. It is reported that out of all of the chemicals used during the Manhattan project, fluoride caused the greatest risk to health. The U.S. military conducted a special operation, “Program F”, in which the adverse effects of fluoride were confirmed. It’s curious then that many of the scientists, who gave proof that fluoride was safe in small amounts, were the same scientists working on the Manhattan project. Declassified documents have shown that these men were forced to lie about the effects of the chemical. Why then did gleaming reports of the poison continue to increase?

In 1945 the town of Newburgh NY’s water supply was covertly treated with fluoride. (Among 4 other towns) New York Health Officials collected data for ten years, however most of the pertinent data concerning the effects of fluoride on mentality and physicality are missing or still classified. So, the government spent 10 years studding the effects of fluoridation, and withheld data about the effects of the chemical. Instead they continued to promote the “benefits” of fluoride.

Today cities that fluoridate thier water are experiencing an epidemic of fluorosis in children. Fluorosis is an irreversible condition that affects the enamel and cells of teeth. Excess fluoride in the developmental stages of teeth can cause the enamel to become extra porous and can stain teeth. It starts with white spotting and continues on to yellow and brown staining. The enamel being weakened becomes more subject to decay. A recent study done in the Ukraine tested children who had both been affected by fluorosis, and children who had not been affected. The children who were afflicted by fluorosis were found to have a higher chance of gastronomical, muscular, and respiratory disease, and were more apt to mental disorders, skin diseases, and as they grew older genital diseases. The real reason lies somewhere in the research, the data that is being kept from us.

Why would the government be so eager to treat us with fluoride when they knew of the adverse affects? If it was a form of industrial waste, and that was it, couldn’t they find some national reserve to dump it in? What other effects does fluoride have on our health? Our government is a creepy and scandalous enterprise. I highly doubt that the real reason is to “get rid” of the chemical. We know that it is not because of the effects on our teeth. What if there was a very sinister reason? Fluoride today can be found in virtually everything we consume. It seems as though they want to make sure we are ingesting fluoride one way or another. The conspiratists might tell you to look towards a company called I.G. Farben.

What is I.G. Farben and why does it matter? I.G. Farben was a German born company who initially started in dyes and colors, and soon moved to complex chemicals. They dominated chemical production during the Nazi reign and were responsible for producing Zyclon B, a lethal gas used in concentration camps. After WW2 there were American scientists placed in this company. One in particular, Charles Perkins, was appointed as the post war head of I.G. Farben. There, German chemists told Perkins of a plot to treat the population’s water supply with fluoride because it was found it made people “stupid and docile”. Perkins was told it was already being used in German and Russian prisoner camps to control the inmates. A report given to the president on CIA activity (the Rockefeller report) stated, "the drug program was part of a much larger CIA program to study possible means of controlling human behavior". Controlling human behavior? Fluoride in virtually everything we consume?

The adverse affects of fluoride are no secret among health officials, doctors, and scientists, yet, it’s still in our water, foods, and some medicines. A week ago there was a news story about mock Colgate toothpaste that was imported from China. Colgate issued a statement that warned the toothpaste had no fluoride in it, and therefore may be harmful. We have major corporations, health officials, and government agencies continuously lying to the public about this harmful substance. The public would generally think they had no reason to questions something like fluoride. They have been taught that fluoride is a necessity.

It’s hard to ignore the history of fluoride and fluoridation. Why did a once harmful pollutant end up in our food and water? I have made my conclusion. The question now is, what can we do about it? How about starting by being more conscious about the things we put in our bodies. Check labels. Boycott items which include fluoride. Write a letter to your local congressman, water district, newspaper, and city council. Join FAN, or other anti fluoridation foundations. Try to inform the people in your life about fluoride. Knowledge isn’t always pleasant and reality isn’t always as it seems. Sometimes figuring out the truth seems to be more of an inconvenience (opps I guess that’s what Gore is trying to say). Don’t be complacent about fluoridation. As George Bernard Shaw once said “Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.”Question the answers, we deserve better.

The Fluoride Action network lists common items that are treated with fluoride:

Toothpastes, Mouth Wash, Tap Water, Infant Formula, Processed Cereals, Juice, Soda, tea, Wine, Beer, Mechanically de-boned chicken, Fish/Seafood, Teflon Pans, Fluoridated Salt, and Cigarettes to name a few.

Check Labels

Light is Knowledge

References: - Biological effects of fluoride - biological effects - physical effects of fluoride / history - Timeline and history - Fluoride definition and Chemical Makeup - fluoride effects, statistics - history of fluoridation - Water Treatment - Fluorides effects on human behavior - Nazi / Russian Testing - history of the legalization of fluoride Use in the Manhattan project, scientists who promoted the chemical fluorosis in children Ukrainian Study Fluorosis mind control
I.G. Farben / Mind control I,g. Farben I.G. Farben, Charles Perkins, mind control


christian said...

well written! great research and documentation. :)

Beau said...

I hope some people come across this blog entry when doing searches on flouride. It's got all the essential data.

Did you submit your blog to the Google, MSN, and Yahoo search engines?